This is the foundation of most websites. It generally has 4 pages:
It is a simple look that is customised to fit your business brand.
To build on the brochure website, see the “add on functionality” section below.
To see what is included in all web designs, see the “included in all web designs” section below
Building on from a Brochure Website, you can add functionality modules that fit your business requirements:
All our Web Designs follow best practices to ensure you rank as high as possible in search engine results.
Part of all good web design is ensuring that it doesn’t negatively impact performance such a page loading speeds. We use the latest caching and image optimisation to ensure a great user experience.
To ensure everyone has access to your pages, we incorporate into our design, accessibility features to allow assistive technologies to scan your pages more easily.
Responsive Design is all about ensuring that your website looks great not just on a laptop or desktop, but on your phone and all devices that view your website. We do all of that as part of your website build.
The downside to any websites on the internet is that they are targets of spam attacks in the form of bots and humans. An unprotected website can be destroyed if left unprotected. We incorporate good antispam practices to mitigate disruptions from attacks. Your paid plan provides you with real-time verification of email addresses.
Hand in hand with Antispam is good security practices that provide a firewall against attacks, to gain access to your website to damage, steal valuable data and financial information. We include a free security service that you can upgrade to provide additional features including real time protection from evolving threats.
To ensure emails (contact us, notifications, subscription notifications, etc) get to you and your customers we include a transactional email service (up to 300 emails daily). If you need to increase email daily limits, you can upgrade to a paid service.
Our custom web design package includes 12 months upkeep, where we maintain your site behind the scenes to keep you up and running.
As an add on to our other packages, this custom 12 month subscription Web Content Package, ensures that the content you create, or update, is added to your site ASAP.
Our Upkeep Package is an ongoing subscription service that is available after your initial Web Design Package expires. We will maintain your site behind the scenes to keep you up and running.
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